Joined: May 1, 2012
Posts: 1
Posted: Post subject: Lovers and admirers of hirsute women |
Hello, all!!! In my humble opinion, I think women are pressured by society and the fashion giants of today that they have to wax, shave, pluck, trim, or remove any hair that is not on their head.
Many say they remove body hair for personnal hygiene reasons and then spend small fortunes on shampoo, conditioners, and hair dressers who who steam, curl, cut, and dye the hair on the heads of those same women.
And, many men have fallen victim to same advertisements believing that the woman they are with are not socially acceptable if the wife, girlfriend, or whatever is waxed, shaved, etc.
I say, don't continue to brainwash and/or presuure women into thinking that body hair is a terrible, wicked, unsanitary thing!!! Ladies, take a stand and say no if you agree!!!