fireroosterfish (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`I've met two people in my life that I would call opposites. We couldn't agree on anything! no matter how big or small. The one was crazy different. Other students would gather when the two of us needed to work together because they found it absolutely hilarious. When I look back on this, it does seem pretty funny, but, at the time, it was very frustrating because work ground to a halt. There was nothing that came out of our mouths that we didn`t have to explain to one another over and over, going off on tangents. She was much younger than I was and convinced I was totally off my rocker. I didn't--and still don't--see it so much as she was 100% wrong about anything in particular; she simply had a different worldview, different priorities, usw. BUT...the fact that we seemed to react to each other in a very similar way suggests that we did have some behaviour in common. (She was a Virgo, btw.) So...
In terms of developing an ongoing relationship with someone like that, I am very skeptical that either of us could last more than a few minutes. I'd sure like to meet her again to see if the same chemistry is there. If it was, I would suggest we offer ourselves up for research, lol.
That, of course, is my definition of opposites, I'm certain pretty much everyone has their own definition. Most of this "opposite" stuff, however, turns out to be false dichotomies. Polarization is best left to physics (and marketing, lol), as another poster has already indicated.
As far as developing relationships with people similar to me go, my experience has been that *real* communication is a cinch, but sometimes the other person feels threatened, like I have been studying them or am being too familiar, when, in fact, I am just being myself.
 belgianguy (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`Sheer opposites (in all respects) will destroy each other.
Sheer lookalike 'cloned' partners, will bore each other to death.
In my opinion, good friendship and good relationships in general, are based on an intruiging balance between lookalike characteristics (to build a soulmate tie), and some deep opposite features that keep the curiosity alife, and fill in peculiar wishes from the one to the other (mutualy different) so that the saying "I found my treasure" can get a real meaning.
So, I wanted to add a personal conclusion :
BALANCE is the key.