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The Littlest Life...

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: The Littlest Life...

My tears were held at bay that day
not a single one escaped
I worked as one unseeing,
to the grief and death around me
I had a job to do.....
my heart was not allowed to feel
till the day was done
the tiny foot ,a hand, a curl,eyes appearing as one asleep
so fleeting was this life,lost to those who loved her dear
this was a firefighters sorrow
no tears were shed on scene that day
as the ambulence I rode
untill we released her to the staff
of the hospitals ER ward
we did the best that we could do
though not always could we save
the lives of those who needed us, bowed in anguish our heads held low.
the life of a firefighter is to protect and save, not all bravery and faceing the fires of Hell, sadness and grief as well
But stand and fight,is what we do
to enter hell and live
to comfort and to help regardless of the call.
we feel not our own pain,but head the call of others
untill we leave to answer our last call,
to at last leave our brothers and sisters
to keep up the good fight,to whatchover instead of stand beside.
never ot be forgoten.. by fullmetal

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`/sighs.....heavy...but so...brilliant....real emotion....thanks for posting it met...

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`sighs*... yes, it was a hard day for so many....
thank you for reading and commenting Raven...
it means alot ot me...

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

That was sad and absolutely beautiful! Many people don't realize what firefighters, policemen, and other people who risk their lives to save others on a daily basis go through. Many blessings to you...

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July 21, 2009
Posts: 21

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`I am sorry i didnt get a chance to thank Akasha. not too many do realize.whne I see the lights comming and the sirens are screeming and i pull to the side to yield right of way. i am always shocke d and angered and sadenned at the people who pass right on by, not careing that osmeone somewhere is suffering,injured dieing. they go on their way heedless of the men and women riding that engine,heeadless ot anyones suffering, concerned only of themselves. to buisey, to late ,to uncareing, i dont know what makes osmeone challenege an emergency vehicle enroute code 3. dont they know that someday they could be the ones in need? pinned in their car, or trapped in a burning structure , sick ,dieing? that by not yeilding they slow down responce time, critical seconds lost because they become a part of the porblem because the couldnt top for 2 seconds? anyways thanks..

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July 23, 2009
Posts: 7

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` Green T.... I remember.... It was the day your T was removed....
(but your still my green T)you did good that day.Above and beyond, as always.

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