Joined: February 26, 2012
Posts: 1
Posted: Post subject: TESTAMENT TO PASSIONS |
Hi. I am here to tell you my story. Well actually it is our story. I met the LOVE OF MY LIFE right here on Passions Network.
I had been single for 8 years and thought I was just not going to find Mr Right. I had met a few men on dating sites but WOW they were NOT what I was looking for. I cant say I had a specific physical template to fill or an exact list of personality traits. I just knew I would know when I found him.
I was about to give up. I thought maybe it just wasn't meant to be, I was about to throw in the towel and when I checked into my account here I seen a message from a guy I didn't give a chance when he first messaged me. I thought he looked mean or grumpy and I just wasn't willing to go through that again. But some little voice said to say hi anyway. He is nothing like my first impression. He is the most kind-hearted, loving, sincere, honorable man I have ever known. We started with just a few messages back and forth. Then we started chatting on that yahoo site. Soon we were exchanging phone numbers and talking constantly. He is an OTR Truck Driver and I a Psychology Student @ UW- Madison.
The first one up would call the other and I would talk with him until he arrived safely at his destination. We shared EVERYTHING!! The good - the bad and oh yeah the ugly. It was strange at times, one of us would be saying that we felt this way about something and the other would chime right in and say "Me too!" We even started finishing each other's sentences. We both have gone through horrible relationships and bad marriages and talked openly and honestly about why they failed and our responsibility for their failures. We discussed spiritual beliefs and how we wanted a relationship that was loving and supportive and happy. How we would go about keeping such a relationship going. What was important to each of us and surprisingly enough we agreed on 99%. We were also brutally honest with each other, and still are. Honesty is the key.
We believe that Love, Honesty and Communication are the bedrock of our relationship. We each believe that life must be lived with HONOR.
You might think we are exactly the same but actually we are quite different. He is more worldly, I am a local kid. He has been in many parts of the world while I have only been to 6 or 7 states. He is Goth. I am more of a Hippy. He wears black. I love colors. Also something I NEVER thought would happen to me is he is younger than me, only 5 years but still younger. He has a small family. Mine is Large. He has a cat. Me a dog and a bird. He is not into sweets ( E-GADS! ) Me, I adore them.
But it all comes out wonderfully. We balance each other out. Help each other in our short comings and daily life issues. Before we met in person I was already in love with this man. When we finally met in person I knew he was my soul mate. I had this wonderful feeling come over me the first time we held hands and when we hugged I finally had a face to put on all the dreams that I had about "the man of my dreams.
So when you ask is my special someone out there? The answer is yes. Will you find him/her here on Passions Network. Maybe/ Maybe Not. But you can't sit there expecting him/her to come walking into your kitchen.....but then again you never know.
Be honest, be careful but most of all be yourself!. It's not about money or what the other one can give you. It's about how sharing life with each other with the intent to make the other persons life the best it can be. Post a current Picture. Tell them you hate Country music or whatever but let them enjoy it because they love it. And remember always live with honor and always expect honor from your partner. And smile!
Thank You Passions Network!
Good Luck to ALL!!!
brabbit77 |