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I'm just one of those freaks

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: I'm just one of those freaks

My long term boyfriend and I had just broken up a week before last Anime North. So I decided to go to Toronto a week early to clear my mind and visit my sister. She decided that what I needed was to go on a date, so she set me up on a blind with one of her "hott" friends.
He was arrogant, checked out other women with out discretion, and talked about his car, boat, and motorcycle for over an hour. When he asked about me the only thing I could think to say was, I'm a nerd. Which he said was cool because I'm "f*cking sexy." and not one of those "freaks who dress up and go to conventions."
I laughed nervously and said, Anime North is Friday through Sunday Ive been going every summer since 2007...
suddenly he thought Cons were cool and he'd like to join me...
I got up and left not leaving him with my number.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`oosh he suddenly thought cons were cool

oh hey my messages work now ! ! i tried to post things on here for last 2 days but it didn't work...

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Re: I'm just one of those freaks

beasleypond wrote:
He was arrogant, checked out other women with out discretion, and talked about his car, boat, and motorcycle for over an hour. When he asked about me the only thing I could think to say was, I'm a nerd. Which he said was cool because I'm "f*cking sexy." and not one of those "freaks who dress up and go to conventions."
I laughed nervously and said, Anime North is Friday through Sunday Ive been going every summer since 2007...
suddenly he thought Cons were cool and he'd like to join me...
I got up and left not leaving him with my number.

wow, SMH, that guy needs a reality check. I'm reminded of a scene in a movie where the woman is on a blind date, talks and realizes the guy is not paying attention and she starts saying just about anything crazy she can think of and he's "hm mh, that's great. I did that too." except he just answered to something like "I just picked up a building and threw it, it flattened my neighbor's poodle and made him spit out my mother's car which still had my baby brother in it" (okay, not actual quotes from the movie and it was cheesy enough I forgot the title, but that's the gist of it and that's the one scene I kind of remember).
But that's a good way to "weed out" non-relationship material guys, so kind of glad that type doesn't get a clue.

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