Joined: September 18, 2012
Posts: 8
Posted: Post subject: Hi from Akron, OH |
While not new here, I never posted in the forums on Passions.
I'm a disabled male geek who is single and very lonely. I've lived in the Akron, OH area my entire life. I was born with Ataxic Cerebral Palsy. I can walk without assistance of crutches or a wheelchair, and speak clearly. The CP mostly manifests when I try to use fine motor skills like writing in small spaces and mechanical work.
I can't drive due to problems dividing my attention properly and reaction time problems too.
I like to work out between 2 to 3 times a week at the gym.
Although I'm on Classical Passions, I also like listening chip tunes, rock, game music, soundtracks, country, and some minor genres.
I mostly read books, my favorite fiction author is Sir Terry Pratchett. I also read Neil Gaiman, Stephan King, and a few others. In addition to printed fiction, I like to read Fan fiction about the following franchises:
Harry PotterStargateBuffy and AngelBack to the FutureCarrieI play rogue likes and older FPSes. Currently, I play Fargoal for iOS