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Have all the time to find her

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Have all the time to find her

I'm looking for a woman that’s like me meaning she’s smart, funny, outgoing but shy at the same time, speaks her mind, shares her feelings and emotions when necessary, can do stuff on her own when it comes down to it, Trustful, Respectful, and all out Honest. A mix personality. Creative and has a wide range of imagination eager to act on her ideas. Not afraid to try new things and can be adventurous. We can talk about nerdy and geek stuff like comics, mangas, and video games but also about movies, music, parties, liquor, stuff like that. Go out a lot and stay in but always up to do new stuff or just stuff anyways. We kiss each other good night and good morning. She can be of any race (Asian, red heads, or ebony is a plus, creamy pale or gold tan skin as well). Red, black or neon hair are most definitely turn on but doesn’t matter. She should be around my size when it comes to weight so petite is the best. Most important thing she is a nympho like me and loves S-- and can’t get enough but only does it with the one she is dating which hopefully will be me if i find that woman. We would have a relationship that's 40% romantic 60% s----l since we would try and have S-- every day. She would try and keep me from going to work with a quick bj and I'd do the same for her. I see nothing wrong with that. She’s not afraid to neither start the action nor let me take her. Has many fetishes, wants to try crazy things in bed but is safe. Bareback and creampies are a favorite. Hopefully she is a switch, loves to be dominated but also dominating me since I’m a switch too. Watch ---- together and masturbate together like a regular activity. We both are up on our toes ready to do something naughty whenever wherever. She wouldn’t start doing s----l things just because I want it but because she wants too. As you can see I’m very s----l and seeking someone else who is as well but like I said I don’t only want sex, I want a mixture of sex, romance, and a true connection. It’s just the s----l tension should be VERY high.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I wish you luck, but considering that no two people are exactly the same let alone of different gender, you'll definitely be searching for a while LOL.

Personally, I truly think variety is a spice that's best mixed with other spices.

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